Time flies when your having fun!
Crazy and crowded, just the way I like it! Today I visited El Rastro, a famous market in Madrid that is held every Sunday. The market had everything from antiques, art, shirts with funny expressions, sunglasses, various types of jewelry, books,sunglasses, and any other possible thing that could be cramped into a quaint booth. Even banana yellow butt floss for men! WOW! Gotta love it!
I bought myself a huge gaudy black necklace that looked more African than Spanish, but was most likely made in China. I didn't mind. It was 3 euro and wasn't going to break my budget. I am actually quite proud of myself for resisting so much temptation while exploring the shops and markets of Madrid. If I don't NEED it, I won't buy it. The necklace I needed because....I don't have any black necklaces and... I have to wear big funky necklaces now since I can't really wear my big and crazy earrings anymore. Long story short, the heavy earrings I bought in Egypt stretched out my earholes so much my ear lobes are almost completely split in two!
Today was a perfect 70 degrees and with a slight wind, perfect walking weather. I walked the area surrounding El Rastro, Sol and Gran Via for a bit with my friends Glenn and Leonie. We settled in at a cool restaurant that Leonie recommended that I can´t recall the name of. I settled for chicken and a small salad. I have been very fortunate that every cafeteria, cafe or restaurant I have visited has had Tabasco, Salsa Picante, Brava, or Jalapenos. I think everyone knows by now, I gotta have my spice! Though I wouldn't die if I couldn't have my Tabasco, I would be a little bummed because I have found Spanish food to be too bland for my liking. You never see salt and pepper on a table either and the only dressing they seem to have is olive oil. No balsamic vinegar. Just oil. I am in Spain, nevertheless, not the US, so I just buck up and eat what the locals eat.
Another important note worth mentioning is today is my anniversary. My ONE MONTH anniversary of living in Spain! I can't believe how much time has flown by!! But like the saying goes, time flies when your having fun!
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